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Shipments and returns

We are a manufacturer, not a local distributor, so we ship shipments in the order in which they are received. It sometimes happens that one large order takes up to a week to be packed, so it is natural that the next order will have to wait a few days for shipment. So parcels are usually shipped within 7-14 days of receiving payment. Most shipments are sent via FEDEX or DPD with tracking. If you have additional shipping requests, please contact us. Once you place your order, we will provide you with a tracking number for online tracking.

Shipping fees include handling and packing fees, as well as shipping costs. Handling fees are fixed, while shipping fees vary depending on the total weight of the shipment. We advise you to group products in one order. We cannot group two separate orders placed separately and shipping charges will apply to each order.

Due to the fact that suspension elements are responsible for safety, we do not accept returns of goods that show traces of assembly or use. According to the law, you have 14 days to withdraw from the contract and 14 days to deliver the goods to the company's headquarters. More information here: